Litigation Support

Litigation Support

Litigation is the most formal and adversarial form of dispute resolution. Construction disputes are often factually, technically and legally complex, and documenting a case and its supporting evidence may involve analysis of thousands of records and files. Allegations must meet strict requirements of proof and a clear link must be established between an event that has occurred and its financial or temporal implications. Castle co. has extensive experience in working with Lawyers. We can tailor our provision of services to the expertise and needs of the client; from a complete case management service, including the provision of expert witness reports, pleadings and the co-ordination of the legal team, down to the provision of a single service such as a program analysis or some other form of expert advice.

Expert Witness

It is often necessary in formal litigation, or as part of an alternative dispute resolution process, to employ expert witnesses to provide the court or tribunal with independent opinion about a specific issue.

Castle personnel are familiar with the protocol and procedure involved in giving expert testimony, and can provide expert witness services and specialist advice on project planning, the investigation of defective work, negligence, the valuation of construction and engineering work, delay/late completion analysis and quantification, and the assessment of damages.

Expert Report

Castle team can prepare expert reports on issues across many aspects of the building and construction industry including project planning, the investigation of defective work, negligence, the valuation of construction and engineering work, delay/late completion analysis and quantification, and the assessment of damages.